Saturday, December 16, 2006


now look at me go horribly wrong....

semaine prochain, le lundi, nous aurons le jour traditionel. vous porterez quelle robe ? quelle couleur? moi? je porterai une robe qui est noire, avec un bord qui est rouge. je veux que je pourrai porter une sari fait de soie....mais ce n'est pas possible...parce que ma mere pense que je suis tres negligent et la elle a raison... l'anee derniere, j'ai vu une femme mince qui porterai une robe des feuilles et des fleurs. seulement. je veux fair la meme chose... mais je aurai froid... c'est partie viendrai apres trois mois...ou quatre... je souhaite que vous avez beaucoup de amusement. avez vous une bonne temps. ne traduisez pas s'il vous plait....



At 7:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am used to seeing weired and nonsensical posts by you, but now I can't even read the post to make out whether there is anything of substance here.

shouldn't this go on your personal blog?

At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

je ne parle le francais. No really.

Je do parle le english though. And a bit of le hindi and le konkani. But not le francais.

At 3:04 AM, Blogger General Disarray said...

I was about to say what the second reply says, but someone beat me to it.
The point of a blog is to share your thoughts in a way that others can understand them no? Will someone please translate?

At 3:06 AM, Blogger General Disarray said...

What happened to the contributors?

At 7:50 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

no...bcos its not a personal entry. its in ANOTHER language.

At 7:52 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

oh you make my day anon! my lovely canon anon....falalalalla....!

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Lynette Sequeira said...

Yeah, the contributors suddenly seem to have dwindled in number considerably.........First, the contributions reduced and now the contributors have seem to have done the vanishing act......Mr. Moderator, what's going on???

At 3:20 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

but this fat lil contributor now rights barf in quality control i tells ya!

i love it! i love it! it feels like mine ...MINE MINE all MINE...

slight madness...garnished with blue stuff...spanish straights in madagascar.

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Rick said...

pallavi you've lost it.

And why is my comment (the second one) gone under anonymous? Damn the switch to Beta blogger or whatever...

At 9:25 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...


ive lost lost whats terribly funny.
thats how you can if you please, pronounce that sweet word verification word below this box. but then u cant. cos to do that u shud be sitting read behind me. or u cud be a bird. or me. which u are. are u? ARE u? dkydkgug

lalallalalalal. fa la la la la.
merry christmas.

tweet tweet

oh it ive got "yuffytud" if pronounced
now muzutsh

At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in the line l'an(n)ee derniere , j'ai vu(e)(since the verb avoir appears bfore the diret objet)une femme mince
qui a porte( with an accent aigu) une robe....watever watever......first line semaine is feminine so prochain wuld b prochaine.......quite a well written article btw...quite enjoyed it!!!!!!& (im sry ...........quite unable to keep my mouth shut but since u've already referred to urself as a female (hang on partie do u mean as in partir(infinitif)?? thn wuldnt tht just b part fer 1st person singulier present?) it wuld change to partie only in past tense as in je suis partie...)&&&&&& its negligente............

enfin,, mademoiselle.......j'ai serai prendre votre permission..............

au revoir!!!!!

At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sry pars( 1st peson singulier)


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