Tuesday, May 16, 2006

light brigade

i was online today, and this random guy adds me (and i add him cos i thought i knew him...not too good with names) and starts talking.
once i realised that i dont really know him i told him so and put an end to the convo (5 lines count?).
he said "but i thought xavierites were bold!"

if u think this entry is well, silly, then u can take it off.....but its just so funny, and scary how those outside label us.
why the us
and why the them

the difference a building can make. a pretty one. an old one.


At 11:02 AM, Blogger Chitrak said...

No taking this one off, cause this is just SO true. People from other colleges have this sort of mental divide: Xavierite and Non-xavierite. I went to mood I once and was asked about my long and messy hair; before i could say a thing they found out what college i was from and, that was it,"Oh, Xavierite! that explains it!"

At 11:05 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

jeans ripped at the end "haan haan, xaviers mein aise hi pehente hai"

At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dumb and dumber....

At 10:54 PM, Blogger ivalap. said...

whos anon?

At 5:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not only those outside but those inside who label us... in different ways...
Would any girl (let alone a Xavierite) tolerate a guy even, if he's a Xavierite who stinks away... Let's say at a very public place - a theatre... And then expects her - let's say get closer???



My lil bit @ Shakespearean

Thou stinkest and thou smellest and thy foul smell makest people runest...

At 6:51 AM, Blogger Sagar Kolte said...

That's one reason why I like this place. It's tailor made for guys like me.

At 7:06 AM, Blogger Chitrak said...

Yeah, in xavier's a stinky guy is bound to find an equally stinky girl who'll say,"lets get closer"

At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously Xavier's is FUN

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Deepali said...

Seriously they expect you to be a rebel and a druggie too...


At 2:56 PM, Blogger Chitrak said...

they do? so far i've come across the labels forward and out going. This year in the TY exams that was proven too; whatever the centre, xavierites were the only ones laughing and joking around.

Oh yeah..some dude DID write that article promoting drug abuse....

At 4:16 AM, Blogger Mental Floss said...

Oh, here's some 'labelling' that one of our zoology profs told us -
"Oh, Xavierites. They carry condoms in their bags".
Apparently, she was travelling in a train with her family, and she heard some kids in the next compartment discussing it!

At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bah! Raheja College Students are much cooler

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Chitrak said...

Dunnow about that. Just know that this is what others SAY about our coll.

Btw, where is Raheja College?

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Dev said...

....Btw, where is Raheja College?
It is for responses like this that we are accused of being snobish

Chit I am not acusing u of anything, But someone from Raheja, would totally ignore the earlier part of ur statement, and just remember ur last question

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

exactly.. when people find out that im a xavierite they say ...oh xavier's then u must have "attitude"!!!!

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Loginfailure said...

Once i were speaking to a friend with longish hair at work, my colleague immediately asked me whether this person like me was also from Xavier's. the connection: he had long hair!!!! co-incidentally the guy with long hair was a friend of mine from xaviers ;-)

At 1:01 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

oh but whats really sad is that a lot of the poeple in xaviers use the xaviers tag to get whatever they want..their only claim to fame is the fact that they belong/ed to xaviers...i was at brouhaha once and these two sr's with me said something like "we cant expect them to be like us...its a different crowd"...and thats just rubbish..if the same person was in xaviers these two would have accepted him/her as one of the different kinds of poeple you meet in xaviers....so yes, its not like we dont invite such labelling at times.
oh remember the time when having an 'attitude' was what every single denim company and deospray ad went on about it? i think i was in 5th standard then...only the 'cool' ones had an 'attitude'...ok i shall stop now...but seriously...certain xavierites should really start thinking beyond the institution they belong to and look for other things to be proud about...oh and even if a guy is a duffer hes bloody eligible bcos "he got into xaviers"..and u know how thay say that. always extending the last bit...zay-vee-urrrs

At 1:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talkin about stereotypes...
There are 3 different classes in Xaviers...
1. Snobbish Townies(<--- Attitude)
2. Middle Class Suburban's(Andheri Onwards)
3. Bookwarms.

Maybe we should look at things from this perspective

At 1:53 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

what about those who live in prabhadevi?
where do we stand?
and whats BOCTAOE?

At 2:15 AM, Blogger Chitrak said...

That's the wierd thing anon, that class division is such a myth. Of course there are snobbish townies and suburbans and bookworms, but I've never noticed three totally separate segregated classes as such. Its more that these are just three of the many attributes someone can have, so its reasonable for some people in xaviers to have them. I dunnow, never felt any severe class distinction in xaviers. The biggest differences were probably between people of different streams.

Oh, and Dev, just cause I'm not a "Xavierite Snob" doesn't mean I can't be proud of my college and let people say just ANYthing about it.

At 2:40 AM, Blogger Dev said...

BOCTAOE---> but of course there are obvious exceptions

At 7:33 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...


At 7:52 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

thats so much like BODMAS...

its like brand xaviers. when we say 'us'...its almost as if st xaviers is some factory like thing that produces 'xavierites'...
"oh but ur not acting like a xavierite".
'xavierites dont do this'
and all this...from fellow xavierites!...not outsiders...it happened on THIS VERY blog! long ago..it was a comment on one of my previous entries.
this whole idea of how a xavierite must behave and what kind of activities he should indulge in..what he should wear and what kind of beliefs he should hold exists in everyones minds including ours and i found that quite disgusting.
then again or lets say BOCTAOE...
and when i pass out of xaviers...i want to emerge as a person, a good one perhaps.. and not as a 'xavierite'..not another mass produced good.

dont expect any of you to get that...
open to misinterpretation
umm the bottomline (u know how ppl launch into speeches after saying bottomline)...i love xaviers a lot...but i really hate it when poeple within and outside expect me to behave in a certain way..whatever and whichever...just because and only because im now in xaviers.

thats all.

At 11:02 AM, Blogger Chitrak said...

Pallu- ah the old "that's all you can come up with" comment.

sigh, that notwithstanding, i always thought, what made are college unique was the lack of mass production, the opportunity to be yourself. I've only been there three years and I've never had someone, except the authorities(no offense CF), tell me how to behave, or if they have, I haven't cared very freely.

But since everyone else is convinced that we ourselves have some inner voice that even we aren't aware of, that gives us some inner message of what is expected of a xavierite, that indeed coins the term xavierite, that oppresses those around us who feel the urge to bend the norm; I give up and surrender. I accept the word from y'all and this is be your number one example of a Xavierite living up(or down) to the mind set expected of all xavierites.

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The response to where Raheja College is what proves the snobishness of a typical Xavierite, this was as expected. I dont know where Raheja college is either, it was the response I was trying to guage anyway.

At 10:21 PM, Blogger ivalap. said...

One who tends to patronize, rebuff, or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire, or seek association with people regarded as social superiors.
One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect.
- google

but not knowing where another college is, really doesnt matter all that much.
ah where are we going with all this?
is anyone going for any of the pukar monsoon workshops?
i was being a bit too harsh ..sorry..always get slightly carried away..not that i take back any of what ive said...but maybe it isnt that important

and umm a snob.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger ivalap. said...

chit, there is no everyone else...its only me.

At 1:49 AM, Blogger Rick said...

Btw, where IS Raheja college? Seriously, not heard of it.

" Anonymous said...
Bah! Raheja College Students are much cooler"

yeah, right :D

Actually i like using the xavierite card to seem "cool". It actually works. It's fun to be snob/have an "attitude" sometimes.

At 3:48 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

there you go...

At 4:20 AM, Blogger Punit Pania said...

err…hi there
I think the very fact tht this post has attracted 30 comments says a lot.
Iv got no issues in saying tht ours is d best college in d city, period!
So post Xaviers, one can find it either difficult or easy to deal with life outside.
Iv got only positive reactions wherever Iv mentioned my being frm Xaviers. There r xceptions like d condom thing [Soup, tht was Smita Ma’am, rite, back in 1st yr], but those r non-issues.
oNe thing all of us we’ll agree on is tht all miss d ‘biosphere’ of Xaviers.

At 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are okay. Dont sweat it.
Just get out of the whole airy thing in your heads!
The rest is fine yes. Interesting read, this blog.

At 3:26 AM, Blogger Rick said...

Hey wassup anonymous! I'm a big fan of yours. Have read a lot of your poems and quotes...

At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope that wasnt an example of the great thinkers found in the most respected of colleges.

is it difficult carrying the brand?

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Chitrak said...

It sort of involves decency and a mouth-of-lesser-proportions, so for someone like you i'd say, yes, very difficult. Btw, is the brand of your college obscure insignificance or have you just forgotten its name yourself? I'd vote for the latter, I'D forget a college that produces people like you.

At 8:19 AM, Blogger CyberFrasier said...

Chit, bickering does not follow the spirit of this blog. You are requested to avoid such comments as the above in the future.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Chitrak said...

My apologies, Father.

At 4:16 PM, Blogger TheresMoreToLifeThanXaviers said...

I'm a student at St. Xavier's and it's stupid how non-Xavier people worship us. We're just average people and like them and Xavier's is an average and unremarkable college. It has a lot of glamour but no substance. And the stereotype about Xavierites being snobs is partly true. I've experienced a lot of it here.


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