Thursday, March 30, 2006

Class of '99

Hi All
I'm probably a dinosaur compared to all of you young uns and passed out way back in 1999 so I doubt any of you know me (unless you flunked out a lot).

I had a great time at Xavier's for five years - the Glory Days as Bruce Springsteen calls them. Been there, done that and pulled every prank in the book. Learned of love and abc and skinned my heart and skinned my knees.

Look forward to hearing what's been happening and if things are still the same.

- Ck.


At 11:08 PM, Blogger Chitrak said...

cool. where did you get that wal???!!!??

At 12:21 AM, Blogger General Disarray said...

Oddly, the "mural-ed" wall reminds me of the Moffis... :S

At 1:17 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

ah the moffis...was terrified of its contents...overheard tee prices for the volunteers there.
the wall is nice..
"--myth sucks"
the moffis the moffis...i want to enter the moffis
its so strange. with its letter slot.
going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened - happened
It finally happened - ooh oh
It finally happened - I'm slightly mad
Oh dear !

At 2:21 AM, Blogger Chitrak said...

is that the moffis wall, then? Haven't spent much time in there.

At 6:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Actually that picture was taken in a pub called Ghettos - not sure if its even around anymore.

At 7:20 AM, Blogger Sagar Kolte said...

It is nice to see ex-xavierites taking keen interest in this blog!

cheers! :D

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Chitrak said...

Ahem, sagar, with luck WE will be ex-Xavierites very soon!

Ex-Xavierite. X-xavierite. You'll always basically be a xavierite i guess.

At 9:13 AM, Blogger General Disarray said...

I don't think Ghetto's is around any more. I wouldn't be the best informed about pubs, though. They're so transient (for want of a better word)nowadays. A McDonald's lasts longer than a pub... Hey, you think if pubs started selling bad-tasting, indianised drinks with weird names, they'll last longer? :D

At 9:15 AM, Blogger General Disarray said...

Oh, as for the Moffis wall, it was that ancient wall-mounted air con that made me think it was the Moffis!

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Sagar Kolte said...

chit~well said!

At 5:24 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

oh please please visit my blog....

At 5:38 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

hell with the o,
general disarray, who are you?
thanks so much for the comment...the very beary phushth one.
do do read my other blog..shamelessly promoting it...the links there.

At 7:42 AM, Blogger CyberFrasier said...

I am glad to hear of your blog, my child. And self-promotion is fine, in moderation.

However, let us remember that bloggers may choose to withhold their identities, in which case do not be surprised if you recieve no answer. Also never reveal the identity of another blogger who is otherwise unidentified.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger ivalap. said...

aye aye father...
lil fither father.
p.s- bloody ashamed of the self was a lowly thing to do..

At 9:00 PM, Blogger Khanjana said...

Hello! Ghetto's is very much around! I am in the organising committee for Malhar this year and I'd love to get in touch with you for Malhar stories :) please do contact us at or reply here if you want us to get back to you. Thanks!


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